iSAM Securities Wins Best Risk Management Solution at iFX Expo International 2024

iSAM Securities is pleased to have won Best Risk Management Solution at the iFX Expo International 2024 in Cyprus this year.



iSAM Securities is pleased to have won Best Risk Management Solution at the iFX Expo International 2024 in Cyprus this year.

The Ultimate Fintech awards are designed to recognise both B2C and B2B successes within the online trading and fintech space. With a growing demand for integrated and automated risk management, iSAM Securities posed as a great contender for this award with the recent introduction of iSAM Securities RADAR.

iSAM Securities RADAR is a fully comprehensive risk analytics suite offering deep-dive analytics, customisable risk parameters, and transparency and insight into trading activities and risk exposure, for reporting and investigations. The platform provides clients with the tools to manage risk, essential to maximising profitability and optimising trading volume.

iSAM Securities’ Head of Technology Business Development, Dennis Weissert, commented “We are thrilled to accept this award as a reflection of our commitment to innovation and excellence within the technological space. iSAM Securities RADAR is a clear representation of our dedication to clients, as a competitive platform aggregating data across multiple servers and platforms for oversight across the entire brokerage.”

“Our team of experts have taken time to develop RADAR with the needs of risk managers, dealing desks, and CEOs in mind. The platform boasts features which we believe to be ahead of the competitive market, including fully transparent aftermath reporting, allowing for clear diagnosis of the specific and aggregate impact that trades have on the underlying profitability.”

“We are continuously enhancing and advancing our product to ensure brokers remain at the forefront, equipped with deep insights into trading patterns and risk management.”

Having recently evolved into the world of market making, and poised for further technological developments, iSAM Securities are set for an exciting year ahead.